

cybersecurity malaysia logoCyberSecurity Malaysia Honeynet Project , also known as Lebahnet,  was initiated in 2002. However, a major project overhaul started to take place mid 2007 as more resources are invested in the project.

MyCERT's LogoThe project aims to provide valuable supporting information such as network trends and malicious activities for our incident handling and advisory activities  currently carried out by MyCERT. Lebahnet also serves as a research network for our analysts to experiment with relevant tools and techniques.

Lebahnet has been accepted as a probationary member of the  Honeynet Project.

The Malware Research and Coordination Facility Project

The Malware Research and Coordination Facility Project is initiated by CyberSecurity Malaysia, which is also the Permanent Secretariat of the MyCERT's Logo Organisation of The Islamic Cooperation – Computer Emergency Response Teams (OIC-CERT) . The participating agencies / organisations subscribing to this Project, mainly members of the OIC-CERT and Asia Pacific Computer Emergency Response Team (APCERT) , share malware data that allow collective malware threat analysis to be done.

Such analysis from the Project data provides early detection of malware, assist to provide awareness to the public, and for the cyber security personnel to act accordingly based on the shared information.

MyCERT's Logo

The services of the Malware Research and Coordination Facility are offered to the members of the APCERT and the APCERT Malware Mitigation Working Group based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the OIC-CERT and APCERT.

The Project uses LebahNET as the data sources for research as the captured botnet activities are from the worldwide source and Kibana as the data analysis tool for the user to visualise the data from the LebahNET data.